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Carolina Catholic Professionals

Professional and business individuals sharing the Good News of the Gospel through word and works.


Carolina Catholic Professionals is a membership organization associated with Lucis Via Charities, Inc., a Charleston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We serve to share the Good News of the Gospel through word and works by defending the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, providing a spiritual refuge for Catholic Laity and Christian believers, encouraging a rigorous intellectual and Godly examination of ideas, and providing Christ-informed service and charity to the community.

Our motto is Humanitas Christi: Christ’s People. We are joined in communion through our shared Catholic Christian faith and our calling to bear witness to the Gospel in the way we live our lives. We are Christ’s people encountering the world.

Learn more About Carolina Catholic Professionals                                                                                                   Become a Carolina Catholic Professional Today!

Catholic Radio In South Carolina
Headquartered in Greer, South Carolina, Catholic Radio in South Carolina was hit hard by the same storm that devastated parts of the upstate, North Carolina, and Tennessee.  The loss of power and internet forced the network off the air.  Truncated programming is back in the Lowcountry, but capacity is limited.  At this time, programming is still unavailable in the upstate.  With its small nonprofit operating budget, Catholic Radio in South Carolina lacks the infrastructure that commercial stations have to quickly overcome such a catastrophic event.
Catholic Radio in South Carolina has been forced by the circumstances to indefinitely postpone its annual Radiothon, which is its primary means of fundraising.   
Many Catholics are generously offering their charity to provide water, food, clothing, and shelter to the countless souls whose lives have been wrecked by the storm and its aftermath.   
In this light, it may seem less urgent to ask for help for our state’s Catholic radio network.  However, without your support Catholic Radio in South Carolina risks being stretched to the breaking point.
Our world today is gripped by the effects of a spiritual storm no less devastating to souls.  Catholic Radio in South Carolina delivers the Gospel of Jesus Christ to souls twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  It gives the water that Jesus described to the woman at the well; “the water I shall give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)   
Dear Catholic brothers and sisters in the Lowcountry, without pause, please prayerfully consider supporting the always critical evangelical and educational work of Catholic Radio in South Carolina.
You can donate securely online       HERE
Mail your check to:  Catholic Radio in SC P.O. Box 905 Greer, SC 29652
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

2024 Annual Fall Dinner

Sister Margaret Kerry, fsp

Daughters of Saint Paul

The Art of Evangelization: Sharing the Gospel with the World

Proceeds will support Catholic Radio in South Carolina and Evangelization in the Lowcountry

Join us for our Annual fellowship Dinner on October 24, 2024 at the Diocese Chancery Meeting Hall

Doors open 6:15 - Dinner 7:30

Dinner will be $70 for members and $85 for non-members

Christ calls us to Evangelize! 

Carolina Catholic Professionals in collaboration with the office of Evangelization and Christian Formation at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist has launched our first Saint Paul Street Evangelization in Charleston.  We are blessed to be joined in this crusade by the Lay Dominicans and the Discalced (Lay) Carmelites of the Lowcountry.

Join us!

“For the disciple of Christ, evangelization is an obligation of love.” Pope Saint John Paul II

All Christians are called to evangelize.   

For Catholics, the Catechism clearly states:  “The disciple of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it, and spread it.” (1816)

Join us in sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Become a part of the Lowcountry Saint Paul Street Evangelization  team.   

To learn more, contact: Brian Barnwell, Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation for the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

 Or  Frank Dirks, Carolina Catholic Professionals 

Thanks be to God, for the last year we have sought to proclaim the Gospel in the way we live our lives

2023 Annual Fall Dinner slide Show

Place your pointer in Slideshow to manually scroll

Steve Dawson, Founder and President of Saint Paul Street Evangelization bears witness to the Universal Call to Evangelization.  This is a message that every faithful Catholic and follower of Christ should hear.

New Catholic App for phones, pads, and tablets

The MediaTrix App is your gateway to engaging Catholic thought. Featuring an easy-to-use platform with twelve separate portals, the App presents podcasts, blog posts and a 24/7 broadcast with Catholic perspectives on Faith & Family, Biblical Prophecy, Literature, Culture, Church Liturgy, Theology of the Body & God’s gift of human sexuality, Stewardship & Giving, Diocesan news & interviews, Apologetics, Church History, The Interior Life & Prayers, and much MORE.

The MediaTrix App is available as a free download at your phone’s app store. Search for “MediaTrix” and look for the logo featuring a blue rose on a pristine white background. Or use these links in your web browser:                    Apple (iPhone, iPad)                 Android (Google Play Store)

To survive in today's secularized world, Catholics must be courageous in professing their faith. They must be courageous in living their faith. Today's world, surely our American world, needs courageous Catholics. - Fr. John A. Hardon

Voices from the Community

Deacon Jerry Remkiewicz, Retired

Voices from the Community

Lydia Doyle, Executive Director Catholic Charities of South Carolina

Voices from the Community

Dr Melvin Brown, Emergency Medicine, retired United States Naval Officer, Medical University of South Carolina board member @carolinacatholicprofession8673

Voices from the Community

Jermaine Husser, Executive Director, Our Lady of Mercy Outreach

Voices from the Community

Corinne King, Principal of Blessed Sacrament School

Voices from the Community 

Chris Bermingham & Rosemarie Dykeman, Coordinating team, Retrouvaille--A Life Line for Married Couples

Voices from the Community

Brian Barnwell, Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation, Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

Sister Julia's Blessed Peter Audio Message

Membership Drive

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 

Galatians 3:27-28

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

We humbly ask you to join us

We are a network of Catholics and Christians across the greater Charleston community.

We support our Church

We support each other

We bear witness to the Gospel in the way we live our lives.

We stand together in quiet defiance to a culture that increasingly aspires to live without God.

We are comfortably, confidently Catholic

Audio Message from Erica Plater OLM

Voices from the Community

Frank Dirks Presenting Saint Paul Street Evangelization

Voices from the Community

Tommy Hartnet, former U.S. Representative, South Carolina, 1st District

Among the souls who have shared their faith and experience with Carolina Catholic Professionals include...

Brian Barnwell, Director of Evangelization and Christian Formation, Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

Chris Bermingham & Rosemarie Dykeman, Coordinating team, Retrouvaille --A Life Line for Married Couples

Peter Bleyer, MD, South Carolina Catholic Medical Association 

Dr Melvin Brown, Emergency Medicine, retired United States Naval Officer, Medical University of South Carolina board member 

Clayton Burrous, SunBelt Gifts and China Travels

Bill Burr,Main anchor for FOX 24 Charleston and a vital member of the ABC News 4 newsroom

David Burt, Vice President/Architect, LS3P

John Carroll, business consultant and cancer survivor

Stephen Carson, Owner,

Level Footing Home Inspections

John Carroll, Consultant,

Strategist, Executive Coach

Lisa Cottingham, Director,

Roper Saint Francis Mission

Noreen Cutshall, Site Director, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center

Steve Dawson, Founder & President
Saint Paul Street Evangelization

Barbara Denton, Founder,

Camp Rise Above

Dan Doyle, Senior Vice President and COO, the Beach Company

Lydia Doyle, Executive Director Catholic Charities of South Carolina

Michael Duffy, U.S. District Court Judge of the District for South Carolina, Retired

Pamela Sue Evette, Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina

Rear Admiral James Flatley,

U.S. Navy, Retired

Patrick Finneran, Principal,

Bishop England High School

Conor Gallagher, Author and Publisher of Saint Benedict Press and TAN Books

Erin and Cody Groeber, Founders of Corpus Christi Academy

Robert Hagood COO,

Southern Diversified Distributors, Inc

Michael Horkey - Grand Knight, Saint Finbar Council, Knights of Columbus

Colonel Myron Charles Harrington, Jr United States Marine Corps, Retired

Dr Ryan Hanning is a professor, itinerant teacher, speaker, and homesteader.

Tommy Hartnet, former U.S. Representative, SC, 1st District

Paul Hienauer, Founder, Glasspro

Anne Hobday, Emergency/respite care foster parent for South Carolina Department of Social Services

Jermaine Husser, Executive Director, Our Lady of Mercy Outreach

Danny Kassis, VP, Dominion Energy (SCE&G)

Kevin Kerly,

Director of Public Safety,  MUSC

Corinne King, Principal of Blessed Sacrament School

Suzanne Krebsbach,

Catholic Historian

Emma Kate Lively,

Catholic Campus Missionary

Melissa Levesque, Vice President of Development & Stewardship, Coastal Community Foundation

Joan Mack,Retired Charleston Television and Radio Broadcaster, Community Leader

Dave Marcacci, Sr. Vice President, Sales, B Generous

Arthur McFarland,

Judge, Municipal Court, Retired

Fred McKay, Principal,

Charleston Catholic School

Dr Thomas McNamara, O.P. (Lay Dominican), family physician, healthcare bioethicist

Tom McQueeney, Owner,

Tom McQueeney-State Farm

Karmin Meade, Director of Catholic Cemeteries, Diocese of Charleston

Sister Gioan Linh Nguyen,

Daughters of Saint Paul

Joseph Pearce, Author, Biographer of G. K. Chesterton and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ashley Pennington, Public Defender, South Carolina Ninth Circuit (ret).

Ericka Plater, Executive Director of Our Lady of Mercy Outreach

Deacon Dan Powers,

Catholic Charities

Gloria Purvis, EWTN Radio Personality

Deacon Jerry Remkiewicz, Retired

Deacon Paul Rosenblum, Pastoral Minister, Port Ministry

Ben Sands, Founder, Sands Leadership, Catholic business consultant

David Seay, Founder,

Seay Development

Peter Shahid, City of Charleston Council member

Jim Sheehy, Judge, District Court of the State of Michigan, Retired

Tim Sinclair, Director of Business Development, Webster Rogers LLP

Sister Pamela Smith,

Charleston Diocese Historian

Deacon Joseph Stocker,

Holy Spirit Church

Joseph Stringer, Author

Michael Tracy,

Charleston Diocese Seminarian

James Tolley, MD,

Assistant Professor, MUSC

George Weigel, Author,

Biographer of Saint John Paul II

Shelayne Witte, Lay Dominican and Prison ministry volunteer

Steve Wood, Founder, Family Life Center International, Catholic Radio Host


First Friday Networking Event

Go To Registration page

First Friday Networking Event

Our theme for these gatherings is how we engage the world in faith and bear witness to the Gospel in the way we live our lives.  With one foot in the Church and one in the world we are all on the same journey.  We ask our speakers to discuss their personal journey of faith and their work in the world and what they see to be meaningful trends and developments in our community, state, and nation.

Search All Carolina Catholic Professionals website

Call us:

Office: 843 670 1350



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Suite 100

Mt Pleasant, SC 29464

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