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Carolina Catholic Professionals

Professional and business individuals sharing the Good News of the Gospel through word and works.

Emma Kate Lively, Missionary

14-Jun-2021 1:55 PM | Russ Whited (Administrator)

The vast majority of souls that leave the Catholic Church do so during their late teens and early twenties, which are also for many, the college years. Emma Kate Lively, a Catholic campus missionary for FOCUS, has been called to do something about this. Please take a few moments to watch Emma Kate’s story from the trenches of today’s spiritual warfare. She shares her faith journey and her service as a witness to the Good News of the Gospel and the gift of grace found in the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Emma Kate’s mission is supported by the charity of others, so please, take a few moments to watch her testimony and learn why it is more important than ever to carry the truth of Christ to young people today.


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