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Carolina Catholic Professionals

Professional and business individuals sharing the Good News of the Gospel through word and works.

Bishop England Catholic Radio WBEI Advisory Council

14-Mar-2020 7:38 AM | Russ Whited (Administrator)

Bishop England Catholic Radio WBEI Advisory Council

Meeting Report: March 12, 2020


Support the development of Catholic Radio at Bishop England High School




Catholic Community-Building


Meeting Participants

Lindsay Finneran (BEHS Director of Development), Joan Mack, Meghan Boyer (BEHS Director of Communications), Jason Burnette (BEHS radio installation and equipment coordinator), Edward Liu, Joe Mule, Clayton Burrous, Richard White, Frank Dirks

Meeting Outcomes

We discussed the possibility that virus mitigation efforts will require the cancellation of the kick-off event.  We decided to continue planning until such time as circumstances require a different course.

Before the meeting Patrick shared his request to the Diocese for the Bishop’s role in the launch event, which would include a Mass, blessing of equipment, and a small gathering with special guests.  We are awaiting a response from the Diocese but will proceed as if that will be the schedule.

Jason reported that Catholic Radio technicians have conducted and onsite installation assessment that resulted in changes to the original planning assumptions.  The antenna now will be mounted on the chimney of Building B.  The transmitter will be located in Jason’s work area.  This arrangement will require new high-speed fiber cable.  Frank will reach out to Michael Brennan on installation status.  (Since our meeting, Michael has indicated that after remodeling the transmitter room and fiber installation next week he anticipates providing a firm date range for installation and broadcast commencement.)

Lindsay is the collection point for all individuals and groups to be invited to the launch day.  We agreed that she will manage two lists; the first for broadly announcing WBEI to the community and the second a smaller list of key individuals for participation in the special event with the Bishop.  Everyone should submit names/groups/contacts by the end of next week.  Frank will seek names of key St. Clare of Assisi parishioners from Father West.

Frank has connected with the Knights of Peter Claver and they will participate along with the Knights of Columbus.

Meghan will lead the logo development process involving Lindsay, Eduardo, Joan, and Joe.  They will accelerate the process to finalize the design by the end of next week.  All agreed on a two-color design.

Frank, working with Lindsay, Meghan, and Patrick, will prepare a talking-point/case-statement by next week.  This will serve the message for our communications outreach that we will execute in collaboration with the Diocese communications office.

Meghan will work with Eduardo, Richard, and David Seay on digital platform development.

Joan has made contact with a Post & Courier feature writer, Adam Parker, and will make an introduction to our communications team.

Clayton offered to be a point of contact for printing options.

Next meeting: March 26, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. at BEHS

We have conference call capability of you are not able to make it in person.  Please let us know if you need dial-in information.

Thanks and God bless

Frank Dirks


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