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Carolina Catholic Professionals

Professional and business individuals sharing the Good News of the Gospel through word and works.

All Souls Day - Saint Johns Cemetery

02-Nov-2020 9:45 PM | Russ Whited (Administrator)

At noon on November 2, members and supporters of the Carolina Catholic Professionals held a remembrance for the souls buried at Saint John's Cemetery in downtown Charleston. The remains of as many as one thousand souls are buried in this Catholic cemetery.  Frank Dirks, Marie Donnelley, and Joan Mack read the names of the 380 people known to be buried there.  Rev. Timothy Akanson, Parochial Vicar at Christ Our King, led a Rosary in remembrance of our departed brothers and sisters.  

Please Donate to Saint Johns Memorial


  • 09-Nov-2020 10:19 PM | Russ Whited (Administrator)
    Pictured are Rev. Timothy Akanson and Frank Dirks
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