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Carolina Catholic Professionals

Professional and business individuals sharing the Good News of the Gospel through word and works.


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  • 10-Jul-2017 8:02 AM | Russ Whited (Administrator)

    Mary B.      Quotes from Pope Francis

    “Faith makes us open to the quiet presence of God at every moment of our lives, in every person and in every situation.” Pope Francis

  • 09-Jul-2017 10:02 AM | Russ Whited (Administrator)

    Mary B.    Inspiring Quotes

    “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Mother Teresa

  • 11-Mar-2015 8:33 AM | Anonymous

    Using the blog gadget, you can add a blog to your Wild Apricot site to provide timely updates and information to your membership.

    By using Recent blog posts, you can display a list of the most recent blog posts, with links to the full posts. The list will include the date of each post and the name of the poster – with the name linking to their profile if available.

    For instructions on inserting, moving, and deleting gadgets, see Gadgets.

  • 11-Mar-2015 7:36 AM | Anonymous

    You can create as many different blogs as you wish. You can limit access to a blog by placing it on a restricted page. If you make the page public, you can still use the blog gadget settings to control functionality for visitors and members.

    You can read more about setting up blogs on our Blog help page.

    If you are looking on more information on how to use blog, you can find it here.

  • 11-Mar-2015 6:37 AM | Anonymous

    This is another sample blog entry. Depending on your readers' access permissions, they can comment on your posts, and reply to comments.

    You can learn more about setting up blog pages on our Blog help page.

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